Dancing · Floaties

Colour matching

When I make Floaties and Breezies, I tend to batch cut them. Sometimes you just don’t feel like sewing. Once they are all cut, I try to colour match with the threads I have. It’s a very satisfying process. But as there’s so many different colours of scarves, I need more threads. This coming weekend I’m attending an ELD event in Street, Somerset with my pop up and there is a fab Haberdashery in the town, so I will have to go and pay them a visit to source more.

Dancing · Floaties

Let’s celebrate

There were celebrations of all kinds for the Queens Platinum jubilee, with many people sporting red, white and blue in their outfits. Our lovely Kathy went with her Poppy Floatie with matching neck scarf (which is the off-cut from the original scarf)



Had a weekend away at a country music event in Bournemouth. There were line dance workshops in the morning. I was merrily dancing, turned around and saw this lovely lady in one of the Floaties she had commissioned way back in January. I did cry! It’s so pleasing to see something you have produced being worn

New stuff

New Stationery

I have had these for a while now but they are so pretty! My very own Magpie Me info insert and care cards. All the stationery is made from recycled materials and can be recycled further. The ink is plant based and fully degradable.